
A lot of people start out the New Year with a word in mind; something along the lines of a resolution or theme for the year. This year I'm going to play along… and my word is pace. As in, I'm going to focus on pacing myself. A typical Type A personality, I have a habit of taking on more than I can handle, and then taking great pleasure out of organizing everything into a carefully crafted albeit logistically complex schedule that tends to leave me feeling overwhelmed.

I know from experience that it isn't realistic to limit what I take on - I could never choose what to cut out even if I tried - but I can try to pace myself. I'm not quite sure what pacing myself looks like yet, but I'm hoping that if I keep the word in mind, I'll figure it out. As I work on the first 'carefully crafted complex schedule' of the season, which involves juggling new jobs, more volunteer work, extra writing, home improvement projects, and preserving time for outdoor activities (snow shoeing!), I think the first step is to realize that I don't have to do everything all at the same time. In other words, one thing at a time...